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turning dreams into reality



Only by asking the People in your Company the right Questions, you will know how they want to contribute to success.
Your aim must be to uncover the simple, strong, and powerful Motivation from Each and Everyone.
This is the only way to grow.

Scheel Copenhagen 

9000+ career coaching courses
90+  group progress
1500+  courses & workshops

scheel copenhagen specializes in making HR a strong coaching and sparring partner for its managers and employees.

By upskilling HR to conduct professional and successful career coaching interviews, you create a culture, where managers and employees will contribute with their strongest resources and initiative.  

the result is innovative, proactive and dedicated managers and employees  

Career Coaching is not Life Coaching, but coaching in a very specific context and with a clear and targeted purpose that supports the development of innovative, proactive and dedicated managers and employees who will contribute their talent and develop themselves in your organization.

Organizations offer their managers and employees professional career coaching sessions with the aim of creating a modern, valuable and effective career culture.
A visible career culture is the foundation for retaining and attracting competent managers and employees.

Career coaching is a successful tool for working professionally career dreams and career development.

Contact me and hear how your HR consultants are trained to handle the task as career coaches for your managers and employees.


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The course Career Coach 



Career Coach Course 


  • The course is held over 2 days, from 10.00 - 15.00 both days                                                               

  • A personal career coaching meeting of 1.5 - 2 hours  

  • A Personal Career Test                             


Before the course, the participants will receive preparatory material and a link to a validated Career Test, the Career Model, Decision Dynamics, which will be reviewed at the individual career coaching meeting.


In addition, participants receive the book Successful Career Coaching (274 pages), (e-book) which is written on the basis of more than 9000 individual sessions and 1000 workshops and courses within career coaching and counseling as well as a career coach guide.


Price per participant DKK 10,000 excluding VAT.


Why upskill HR in the art of coaching career development 



When you seek out a career coach, it is in the vast majority of cases because you need to focus on your working life and because you want to develop and progress in your career. 

Career coaching is therefore about creating space for an open and honest dialogue about career dreams, where the individual's competences, development and well-being are in focus.


Offering successful career coaching means that you must be able to handle the dialogue that is about what career even means to the individual, and what can be done in relation to the development and use of competences in the organization that the individualis are employed in or in a new job. 

On the course, the participants learn to handle these professional, constructive and development-oriented career coaching conversations with managers and employees who want to develop or to go in new directions.  






Barbara is continuously demonstrating a high insight in her areas of expertise, she is always relevant and she is able to challenge and develop you to increase your impact and your career management tools. 


Barbara is not just doing her "job", she is dedicated, resultdriven and truly wants to make a difference for her customers and participants. 

If you want results, I would definitely choose Barbara.


Kirsten / HR Director

don't quit! especially not quiet!

Quiet quitting is a rebellion against the way of being at work. The trend, which has emerged in 2022, forces organizations to have a different dialogue with employees about their careers. 

This means that there must be someone in the organization who must be able to take care of the dialogue about what jobs and careers even mean to the individual, and what can be done in relation to the development and use of competencies. 

Hear more about how you can keep the strong resources and skills on board.

'Why didn't ANYbody tell us about the career dreams that Martin had, BEFORE he left us?'

'And why didn't HE tell us?'


Professional Career Coaching

The challenge is managers and employees who continuously want development and upskilling, as well as headhunters who are constantly looking for the insanely talented skills - including yours.

The solution is attention and career coaching In House.

The center is a professional and confidential space, where an open and honest dialogue about the development of career dreams and the individual's life, well-being and balance is the focus.

Contact and learn more about how you keep the strong and important competences in your organization.  


Udviklings og Forenklings Styrelsen, Copenhagen, Denmark

It has been a really good experience to participate in Barbara's Career Coaching Course.
Over several days, we have gained a broad knowledge of the field and gained many new eye-opening insights - both about our own careers and about careers in general.
In addition, we have received good support to use career coaching in our own organizational context with clarification of frameworks as well as a concrete question guide.
We have greatly appreciated Barbara's help, and it has served as a solid foundation for bringing it into our own organization. 




No one wants to stay in a company where you are not allowed to contribute with your talent and your ideas. Then you will find a new job.


Critical skills are in demand. Headhunters move skills from one company to another. No one wants to stay in a company where you are not allowed to contribute with your talent and your ideas. Then you will find a new job where you can develop your career. 


Career coaching gains ground - the traditionel MUS experienced no longer as effective.


In most organizations and companies, the employee development interview, the so-called MUS, is the interview where the employee's next career development step can be discussed. HR experts state that it is important for the value of the interview that there is a clear goal with the interview. This is not always a reality. The confidential MUS is often experienced as a waste of time.

That is why more and more organizations and companies offer relevant, dynamic and professional career coaching to their managers and employees.




Scheel Copenhagen


9000+  individual career coaching sessions
90+  group processes

1500+  courses & workshops


​Get started by offering managers and employees professional and successful career coaching interviews

I need to move on in my career and have a new job. Can I book career coaching sessions?

YES -Contact

Can I book individual career coaching sessions? YES -Contact

Can I book a Career Coach course as a private person?

YES -Contact  for  the next course

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